Monday, 13 June 2011

Innerpartysystem - American Trash - David Leighton

Media Concept Analysis.

Genre, Stylism, Conventions, Camera Angles & Style Image

Innerpartystem is predominant for it’s ‘Neo Industrial’ style, mixing both dance music with classic ‘Industrial’ (such as Nine Inch Nails) style music. This video is quite cynical, as you will see.
Narrative –
In this video we see what we believe to be a typical ‘pop style’ beginning, in which a girl begins singing the lyrics (although this is odd as the singer is male and we wonder why this is) furthermore the lyrics appear typed at the bottom of the screen. We then see the rest of the ‘pop’ style band and more lyrics scroll across the bottom. Typical jump cuts are used and stylism is used to show different random items to reinforce the weird ‘pop indi’ genre. However the reason for the female singer is then later explained as the video scrolls ‘This Video Is A Lie’, ‘This Band Is A Fake’, as the video shows its cynical side of how it sees pop music it then explains how the female singer is actually a professor ‘Ingrid’ who they asked to do the lyrics, it states ‘We Could only afford 20 seconds of choreography, the rest of the time we asked the dancers to...wiggle’. This is reinforced by a stop in the music in which you see the dancers wiggling and looking rather stupid. We see how the band shows that ‘anyone can make a music video’ through how they show that ‘The Wardrobe is rented’, ‘The Props are trash’. The band then asks ‘Have you been let down?’, showing how they deliberately went against typical genre conventions to portray how ‘cheap’ music and style has become. This is reinforced by the lyrics in the song and the title ‘American Trash’. There are then overt genre conventions portrayed and reversed as they show how they are targeting the ‘pop’ audience with things like ‘Ego Stroke’ styled across the screen and ‘Product Placement’ and ‘Extra Skin’ and ‘Faux Angst’. The band deliberately don’t use star image as the video uses a different woman to represent there contempt for the ‘fake’ genres. The band is trying to get across the message that music has become ten a penny and that anybody can do it, whereas they mean what they sing/do. This means that there is a huge amount of disjunction in this video because they band has decided to go along with a video that not only doesn’t match with the lyrics, but actually goes against them completely. It’s like the video is a binary opposite to the song. However there is some illustration that matches with the video near the end where pictures flash across, the typing scroll’s ‘Each one of those photos was found in a junk shop and purchased for 15 cents’. This illustrates another point in the video that people are ‘Trash’, and eventually (as the typing says) ‘Your life will eventually become trash’. This is used to portray another meaning of this song that is that material possessions, and image is nothing as it will all fade, what really matters is what you do with your life. Overall the idea of this music video is to disagree with typical genre conventions to reinforce the bands message of the fake nature of the music culture.

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